Into the Fire we all go! Ready – Steadyeeee… GO!
Yes, what a journey it has been so far – live is not for sissies. Sure, some has it better that some but we are all in the same race – the purification. We all are born into sin – this world is not heaven or a kind place. It is ruled by the one who sets himself up against the Kingdom of GOD, the Aposser – the evil one and we are playing at his rules.
That is why it so important that we should be BORN AGAIN – BASICALLY a hard reset from the norm, a renewal of the mind.
It is a sad reality but not all which are saying “Lord Lord” will be going to heaven and that makes me think – so why Am I going. That is just it, Yes, because I believe that Christ JESUS died on the cross and YES HE IS THE SON OF GOD – I will go to be with Him one day – that does not main that I can live my life the WAY I want to anymore. I NEED to have a real – day to day – all or nothing relationship with GOD. A FULL – stacked together – mind blowing Friendship with your maker. That will get you into Heaven!
The HARD RESET needs to take place, as we live in a lonely world – and it needs to happen now.
We can’t just sit back and say – I am saved – and do nothing. God’s salvation is free to all – His gift of NEW LIFE is FREE and the entrance has been PAID in full by the CROSS ACT. The Cross might be just a symbol for most but the significance of THE ACT of Love, can never be taken away by any man. Christ dies for all > Jesus died for you!
JESUS gave his all for you – this is a serious matter and only you know how you really feel in your heart. God knows the sorrows and the deep pains of regret. You know how you feel right now – your soul is crying for more – but luckily you do not have to admit this “weakness” to anyone but yourself. YOU NEED GOD! Just like all of us – WE NEED GOD in our lives. He has been waiting for this precise moment all your live. Just say it – I need you Lord Jesus and my life is yours, All of me is yours – All my sin – all my needs and all my dreams. I am yours – I surrender. Please forgive my sins.
Your world is slowly falling apart and I PROMISE you – the only one which can HELP you right now is CHRIST JESUS! My friend it is time to come home – it is time to surrender. You have been fighting the storms of life ALL BY YOURSELF and you can lay down your sword for “SELF” and start living your life for a true – alive – passionate LOVING GOD!
The post STOP – TURN! first appeared on Koa Sinag Ministry.