Prayer = POWER.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 AMP

“be unceasing and persistent in prayer;”

Mighty warrior of God. 

I always struggled with the idea of why one should “beg” for the things that we want and need. I became bitter until Father God showed me that when I really earnestly pray, I become powerful because of my belief in Him. Prayer DOES = POWER.

We call it the “True Story” prayer, and each time we did this kind of prayer, The Lord heard us.  I always start with, “True story, Lord, but this circumstance needs your attention right now,” and then I elaborate and give details on why it should be allowed and even give solutions. This is not just a one-time prayer; it gets repeated until a break-through comes.

See it like this: you push your prayer request through the spiritual realm with prayer after prayer; it becomes a chain of faith that is powerful, and even though we might not see and understand this at the moment, it has a purpose for others. With each step you take in faith towards the throne, you break something the enemy has built up. Prayer is powerful, and our enemy will do whatever it takes to make you believe that God does not hear or care for you! Your prayers get blocked by the enemy, not God. God will always give a reason why He said no.

Praying unceasingly and persistently has nothing to do with begging; it has to do with who you become when you fully trust the Lord to hear your calls and moans. You power up when you pray, and this scares hell. Keep praying, mighty warrior of God.


Father, You have enabled and allowed us to stand tall in the storms of life, but my faith sometimes falls apart, and I lose hope. I am sorry! Please, forgive me?

Train me in the process of prayer and the inner workings of a powerful prayer life. Make me a mighty warrior who is versed in potent, powerful prayers.

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

The post Prayer = POWER. first appeared on Koa Sinag Ministry.