What does this mean – sometimes the word of God is not always so clear… I do get confused a lot when reading Gods hidden messages to me.
Basically – Whohoooo – you are in a good place. Great things are coming.
You have been living with God but also lending your heart out to the world. You dabble with worldly things on a daily basis. Those friends you keeping around but when you with them bad things happen. At that moment “pissing it up” is awesome – it fills those voids in your Soul – it’s a quick fix to a much bigger hurt. That discomfort you feel is a soft yearning for more…
The discomfort you feeling right now are the “persecution” of the Holy Spirit gently persuading you – counseling you. Your soul is telling you to get away from those influencers – those friends living their lives so freely but You know – GOD has a bigger plan for you!
My friend God has a thing for you – He is fully committed to you! Once the clutter and noise of the world gets eradicated – Your healing and the millions of questions can be addressed. Just leap – you’re in good hands.
Please do not give up on God – He has not given up on you!