you are fucking up your life!

Lets go Party Tonight!

“You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution.

The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.

What does this mean – sometimes the word of God is not always so clear… I do get confused a lot when reading Gods hidden messages to me.

Basically – Whohoooo – you are in a good place. Great things are coming.

You have been living with God but also lending your heart out to the world. You dabble with worldly things on a daily basis. Those friends you keeping around but when you with them bad things happen. At that moment “pissing it up” is awesome – it fills those voids in your Soul – it’s a quick fix to a much bigger hurt. That discomfort you feel is a soft yearning for more…

The discomfort you feeling right now are the “persecution” of the Holy Spirit gently persuading you – counseling you. Your soul is telling you to get away from those influencers – those friends living their lives so freely but You know – GOD has a bigger plan for you!

My friend God has a thing for you – He is fully committed to you! Once the clutter and noise of the world gets eradicated – Your healing and the millions of questions can be addressed. Just leap – you’re in good hands.

Please do not give up on God – He has not given up on you!

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