On Mary, Mother of God

Because she has this unique role in human history, she is our greatest intercessor? Uhm, sjoe what does THIS actually mean, to say intercessor. A breakdown of the word >


a person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer.

“they rejected the notion that an intercessor was needed to appeal to God”


I think Jesus is doing a great job at the moment – past, present and in the future, I personally feel that putting such responsibility on a mere human is uncalled for. MARY might have been the vessel which was used to incarnate GOD in human form, and what a great blessing that must have been for her; but I think putting a human on a pedestal and idolizing the “idea” – if JESUS is of GOD them Mary must also have special rights and privileges. The question is why do we want to add more dogmatic burdens when all was lifted from us – the yoke was broken and we are FREE – totally free because what Jesus done for us on the cross. We are bought for a dear price – the ransom is paid in full. NO SERVING or bowing our knee to another – ONLY TO CHRIST!

What I believe is that as The Holy Spirit is freely given by the Father, we can graciously approach the throne as JESUS is our councilor and is daily interceding on our behalves. Jesus Christ is and should be our INTERCESSOR which pleads to the Father on our behaves. Let us not be led astray but human wisdom but be continually renewed and ministered by the indwelling of The Holy Spirit, and yearn for his guidance and corrections.

The post On Mary, Mother of God first appeared on Koa Sinag.